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Flossmoor Community Church strives to be a lay led church, and is blessed with faithful and dedicated volunteer leaders who serve on the Governing Board for a term of three years. All members of Governing Board are also Elders of the church. Governing Board meets regularly the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. Meetings are open to all members. 


Hover over images for names and positions.  Board and Committee information is at bottom of page.

Janet Bolton, Chair of Governing Board 

The Governing Board Chair presides over all meetings of the Governing Board and special meetings of the Congregation. she is also an ex-officio member of all Boards and Committees and works closely with the Senior Pastor to provide leadership to the congregation.


Brad Byrd, Secretary

The secretary takes and distributes minutes of all Governing Board meetings and meetings of the Congregation.​


Katie Van Heel, Board of Community & Connection

Congregational Connections sponsors several events throughout the year seeking to meaningfully connect members, visitors, and the community. Events such as BYOB Bingo, Trivia, Good Gourd and PRIDE are broadly attended community events, while events such as the Welcome Back Breakfast and Pentecost Picnic intend to connect the attending congregation.


Shari Sweeney, Diaconate Board

The Diaconate provides service to our members and the church community. Diaconate members host memorial receptions, provide transportation, visit homebound and hospitalized, deliver altar flowers, and provide meals. In addition, the Diaconate supports our Stephen Ministry program.


Kim McCormick, Board of Faith in Action

Outreach Board identifies and coordinates programs to extend the hands-on mission and ministry of the church. The board evaluates grant requests and makes recommend-ations for mission giving and benevolence, in addition to providing opportunities for direct service, such as our Sunday night PADS (Public Action to Deliver Shelter) ministry.


Kim Sifner, Lay Ministry

The Board works together to provide meaningful nurture of people from the minute they walk in our door (newcomers) to becoming fully integrated and active members of the congregation.  This Board’s efforts focus on hospitality and welcome, hosting new member opportunities, helping folks discern and identify their gifts, and finding meaningful places to use their gifts and passions in service.   


Rachel DeBoer, Board of Worship & Arts

The W&A Board assists and supports the Pastors in conducting worship services and music and arts programs. Additionally, Board members organize teams to provide worship leadership, such as ushers, greeters, and liturgists.


Rebecca Courington, co-chair Personnel Committee

Personnel provides support for and direction to the Church staff. The Committee also prepares Job Descriptions, arranges performance reviews, and coordinates hiring of Leadership and Administrative staff.


Dale Bowman, Properties Committee
Properties takes care of “God’s House” in the facility of Flossmoor Community Church. The Committee is responsible for maintenance, improvements and additions to all church grounds, buildings, furnishings and equipment.


Tracey King, Finance Committee & Treasurer

Finance Committee handles our financial matters and budget. Members review monthly reports of income and expenditures and gathers budget requests from Board, Committees, and staff to create a proposed budget for the next fiscal year.


Chris Dolan, Stewardship Committee

In addition to organizing the annual pledge campaign, Stewardship Committee provides year round inspiration and guidance of the concept of Christian stewardship to the congregation.


Lois Glasgow, President of Foundation Board and ex-officio member of Governing Board




Worship at 10 am in the Sanctuary

Online streaming is available. 


Children begin in worship and go to

Children's Worship from 10:20 - 11:15 am
Youth Groups from 11:30 am - 12:30 pm

Adult Opportunities vary



Church Office Hours

Monday - Friday from 9 am to 1 pm

Closed Saturday & Sunday

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© 2023 by Flossmoor Community Church  •  2218 Hutchison Rd  Flossmoor, IL  60422  •  tel (708) 798-2800  •

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